Lunch Club

Our Lunch Club meets every Wednesday from 12 midday to 2pm. It provides a friendly and sociable environment to enjoy a home cooked meal and to meet other people. After the lunch coffee and tea is served. The cost of the three course meal and refreshments afterwards is currently £12.

Who it is for?

People over the age of 50 living in Biggin Hill or the surrounding area who are retired, may be bereaved, isolated or who are just looking for an opportunity to get out and meet other people. We can sometimes provide transport for those who  live in  Biggin Hill and cannot get to the Lunch Club by themselves.

How to Join the Club

Just contact the Centre and we will give the you the information you need and answer any questions that you may have. The best time to call would when the office is open, which is Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9.30am to 2.30pm. Outside of these times a message can be left on our answerphone. For more details please see the contact page of this website. Booking a place in advance is necessary.

We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to use their own cars to bring members of the Lunch Club to and from the Centre on a Wednesday. If you think you can help, or would like more details, please contact us by phone or email.